Users of the Captur protocol can act in the capacity of an Eagle to create or a Wolf to consume investment products, or both. Anyone can govern the ecosystem by becoming a CAPT holder. CAPT can be bought on crypto exchanges, but no holder is under any obligation to interact with the protocol.
Eagle Profile
Sophisticated, sharp-sighted crypto investors who follow crypto projects in detail and spot investment opportunities are called Eagles. They have the necessary knowledge and market feel to actively time their trades and want to capitalize on their unique skills.
Eagles' contribution to the protocol
Eagles create and submit trade ideas based on a range of crypto assets that are permissible as underlyings to the Captur protocol in a specific format. These ideas are called Eagle Ideas and include an entry and a target price, a time horizon and a brief investment thesis. To have skin in the game, they stake a quantity of one out of a range of permissible stablecoins to their ideas.
The total of a given Eagle’s live Eagle Ideas which they themselves have submitted constitutes their Eagle Portfolio. The amounts of stablecoins staked to each Eagle Idea by the submitting Eagle determines the composition of said portfolio.
The protocol selects certain Eagle Ideas, based on factors such as the performance track records of the submitting Eagles and momentum, into so called Golden Eggs Baskets.
How Eagles benefit from the protocol
Eagles are the creators of the ecosystem, whether on the single-idea or portfolio level. In addition to getting the investment performance of their ideas, portfolios and of the baskets their ideas feature in, Eagles are rewarded with fees for their contributions. In addition, the protocol pays them CAPT as a reward for interacting.
Crypto investors of all skill levels that are hungry for returns and looking for ways to invest their crypto assets without staying abreast of the rapid changes in the crypto markets are called Wolves. They are looking for skilled asset managers.
Wolves' contribution to the protocol
They stake quantities of one out of a range of permissible stablecoins towards Eagle Ideas, Eagle Portfolios or Golden Eggs Baskets and thus participate in the performance of these products.
How Wolves benefit from the protocol
Wolves are the consumers of the ecosystem. They participate in the performance of the ideas, portfolios and baskets of the protocol which are managed by expert Eagles. In return they pay management and performance fees to the protocol and said Eagles.
CAPT holders
Anyone can buy, hold or sell CAPT, the governance token of the Captur protocol, irrespective of whether they are Eagles, Wolves, both or neither of the two.
CAPT holders' contribution to the protocol
CAPT holders vote on a variety of parameters of the protocol such as which crypto assets are permissible as underlyings for Eagle Ideas, which stablecoins are permissible for staking by Eagles and Wolves, the compositions of Golden Eggs Baskets and the protocol’s fee structure in a transparent and democratic way. In effect, they are product managers of the protocol’s offering. By staking their CAPT tokens towards loss absorbing tranches of a portfolio insurance which covers the losses of some of the protocol’s products, they earn a yield.
How CAPT holders benefit from the protocol
CAPT holders are the governors of the ecosystem and can earn a passive income by providing portfolio insurance to Wolves.
Last updated
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