Eagles create products like Eagle Ideas and Eagle Portfolios using the protocol which in turn creates Golden Eggs Baskets. Wolves consume these products by staking towards them.
Eagle Ideas
The life cycle of an Eagle Idea
Eagles create and submit trading ideas, so called Eagle Ideas, to the protocol. An Eagle Idea is based on one out of a range of permissible underlying crypto assets, has a trade direction, a target price, a time frame and includes a brief investment thesis.
Staking of a quantity of one out of a range of permissible stablecoins by the submitting Eagle is mandatory to ensure there is skin in the game. The submitting Eagle only gets their stake back when closing out the idea manually or when it hits its target price and closes out automatically.
Once an idea is live, Wolves can stake a quantity of one out of a range of permissible stablecoins towards it to participate in its performance. They can withdraw their stake at any time while the idea remains live. If an idea hits its target price and closes out automatically, Wolves get their stake back.
Upon the return of a stake, whether to the submitting Eagle or to a Wolf, the smart contract adjusts it for the performance of the underlying crypto asset during the duration of the staking and for performance fees, if applicable. Staking and the payment of fees are managed through smart contracts. The latter are paid in ETH and CAPT.
How Eagle Ideas add value to Eagles and Wolves
The protocol’s fee structure boosts an Eagle’s take-home return compared to an outright trade if their idea performs. Wolves pay a fraction of their upside to the protocol for an expert Eagle to time the market on their behalf.
Eagle Portfolios
The life cycle of an Eagle Portfolio
The total of an Eagle’s live ideas constitutes their so called Eagle Portfolio, the composition and performance of which is completely transparent to the community.
The Eagle who owns the portfolio already has skin in the game on the idea level and gets their idea level stakes back when closing out the respective ideas manually or when they hit their respective target prices and close out automatically.
Wolves stake a quantity of one out of a range of permissible stablecoins towards a portfolio to participate in its performance. They can withdraw their stake at any time while the portfolio remains live. If the Eagle running the portfolio closes out all ideas contained therein then all stakes are returned. However, if they close out one or more ideas then the portfolio composition changes, but Wolves are not returned their stakes automatically on a portfolio level, only on an idea-level.
Staking and withdrawing of Wolves on the portfolio level increases and decreases each position in a portfolio pro rata so the composition stays the same.
Upon the return of a stake to a Wolf, the smart contracts adjust it for the performance of the underlying portfolio during the duration of the staking as well as management and performance fees, if applicable. Staking and the payment of fees are managed through smart contracts. The latter are paid in ETH and CAPT.
How Eagle Portfolios add value to Eagles and Wolves
Due to management and performance fees accruing on the portfolio level, in addition to the performance fees on the idea level, Eagles make a steady income for letting Wolves benefit from their risk management. Wolves give up a fraction of their upside and pay a small regular fee for trailing Eagles through the crypto markets.
Golden Eggs Baskets
The life cycle of a Golden Eggs Basket
The protocol analyses the performance track records of Eagles and their Eagle Ideas and selects the top performing ones into a variety of so called Golden Eggs Baskets.
The Eagles who submitted the ideas that make up a basket already have skin in the game on the idea level and get their idea-level stakes back, along with the co-investing Wolves, when closing out the respective ideas manually or when they hit their respective target prices and close out automatically. For the avoidance of doubt, if an Eagle Idea drops out of a Golden Eggs Basket because the composition rules have changed, then the idea is not closed out automatically. It remains open with the submitting Eagle’s and co-investing Wolves' stakes locked in.
Wolves stake a quantity of one out of a range of permissible stablecoins to the basket to participate in its performance. They can withdraw their stake at any time while the basket remains live. If all Eagle Ideas underlying the basket are closed out then all stakes are returned. However, if one or more ideas are closed out then the basket composition changes, but Wolves are not returned their stake automatically on a basket level, only on an idea-level.
Staking and withdrawing on the basket level increases and decreases each position in a basket pro rata so the composition stays the same.
Upon the return of a stake to a Wolf, the smart contract adjusts it for the performance of the underlying basket during the duration of the staking as well as management and performance fees, if applicable. Staking and the payment of fees are managed through smart contracts. The latter are paid in ETH and CAPT.
How Golden Eggs Baskets add value
Due to the management and performance fees accruing on the basket level, in addition to the fees on the portfolio and single-idea level, Eagles make a steady income for contributing returns to Golden Eggs Baskets. Wolves pay fees for access to this community-sourced alpha. There is an almost infinite amount of possible baskets because the factors based on which a basket is composed, such as submitting Eagles, token type, project type or risk level, are set by CAPT holders and are inherently dynamic. Over time the protocol will autonomously create a diverse and multifaceted offering of baskets that will enable a wide range of investors, from crypto novices to sophisticated veterans, to participate.
Last updated
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